MSIxMTU Creator Awards
Nu kan vi presentera dom vinnande bidragen i tävlingen MSIxMTU Creator Awards! Tack till våra samarbetspartners MSI gaming nordic och MSI nordic som sponsrade med alla priser!
How do you envision the future of advertising?
As of now, more than half of the world’s population is connected to the Internet. In order to reach everyone, companies everywhere are switching from traditional marketing channels to new innovative ways of connecting online with their audience.
From experts we know that the future is storytelling and emotional advertising. We at MSI believe that through creativity you can experience the perfect narrative that will bring you closer to our products, via Gaming stories or the stories of our Creators.
Use any digital medium: film, photography, 3D, graphic design, sound and image to showcase your perspective and incorporate the MSI brand in your vision. You can showcase anything from gaming to content creation themes.
1a. Tuva Welin – vann en MSI Prestige 15